Work from Homestays

2020, so far, has been a disaster. The future generations will see it as a year that brought the world to it’s knees, and trammeled minds.

“The new normal”, so to speak, liberating as it was in its first few weeks, is now getting to us. We have been dying to venture out, but then anything outside the boundaries of home spells danger. If you, like us, have been struggling with this caged existence that has been forced upon humanity, you have come to the right place. If you want to get out of your own minds and claustrophobic surroundings, without risking your lives, browse on for some scenic homestays that will assure safety, uninterrupted work and leisurely weekends in an abode nestled in nature – a temporary home if you will, with a beautiful landscape for it’s backdrop and the coziness of your own home. Sounds tempting? Go on then…

For more details and Bookings get in touch with us 🙂

E-mail : [email protected]
Mobile no. : 09420213309

#workfromhomestays #wfh